No-IP Install and Service Commands

No-IP is a Free Dynamic DNS and Managed DNS Provider, that we can use to get a free domain name. There a lot of free Dynamic DNS services, you can find a good comprehensive of them here that we can choose from, but this was the first service that I personally tried.
The good with this service is that we have a big selection of free domain names that we can choose, so we can easily find a domain that is available for the hostname we want to have.
The negative is that every 30 days they send a notification email, and we have to sign in to and confirm that we still use the hostname. After some time that I have used the service, I can say that it becomes annoying to verify it once every month.
Install & Configure noip2
Login as root
sudo su
Type the following commands:
cd /usr/local/src/
tar xf noip-duc-linux.tar.gz
cd noip-2.1.9-1/
make install
On the configuration stage:
- Add email and password.
- The hostname to update (choose only one).
To launch the client
NOTE: You have to stop it to make it a service later.
Add an executable (noip2) as a service
Create noip2.service
in /etc/systemd/system
And add the following:
Description=No-Ip Dynamic DNS Update Service
Restart systemctl to accept changes
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Enable service
sudo systemctl enable noip2
Start service
sudo systemctl start noip2
Restart service
With a restart, it updates the public IP:
sudo systemctl restart noip2
See logs
sudo journalctl -u noip2