Privacy-Focused Alternatives to Google Analytics

Introduction A full catalog and review of some analytics tools, that are a more privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics. The tools are divided into the following categories:
Free Cloud-Hosted Free Self-Hosted Paid (Cloud or Self Hosted) All the chosen tools should have the following characteristics:
Privacy Focused (No IP logging, Fingerprinting, Tracking, etc) GDPR compliant Open Source (Preferably but not hard criteria) Offer good statistics User-friendly interface (UI/UX) Reasons for choosing an alternative It was a struggle for me to find and choose a different analytics service, but I knew I had to do it if I want to be more respectful of the people that visit my website and try to create a more private and secure internet.
Hugo Site Configure

In this post, we will see how we can create and configure our Hugo blog to our needs. This guide assumes, that Hugo is already installed in your system.
We will use a certain theme as an example, but the same principles apply to almost every theme.
We must also note that Hugo is somewhat tied to the theme you have, so if you want to change it, some changes will need to be made, mostly on the top config file, and less on the markdown content.
Hugo Install

In this post, we will see how we can install Hugo on our Ubuntu (or any Debian based) system.
Hugo is a very popular open-source static site generator (SSG) that is build with Go. It is mainly known for its speed and flexibility.
Hugo can be used by experienced Front-End developers that can create their custom themes with the Hugo templating system, but can also be used by novice users that want to create their own webpage with little to none knowledge.